This is part of a series of posts where we interview Dacorum athletes past and present:
What are your events?
Anything from 5000m on the track to 5k through to marathon on road and recently, during lockdown I took up ultra-running off-road!
What was your best or most memorable performance?
I have 3 really:
1. Finishing in top 50 women in my 2nd marathon in best time 2hrs 56mins London 1987
2. Finishing 2nd in World Masters Marathon Championships in Toronto 2018
3. Running my 1st 100km Ultra May 2021 South Downs Ultra 14hrs 52mins 1st V50
What was your highest representative achievement?
Represented England Masters in the Marathon (2019) and Half Marathon (2021) in my age group V55.
How did you get there?
Running in qualifying events and finish in the top 5 in my age group V55.
Who provided you guidance?
Self-coached but on occasion have sort guidance from Rob Deane.
What difference did all this mean to you?
Keeps me motivated to train and compete regularly in Masters Events having recently finished 2nd V55 in the British Masters 30km multi-terrain championships.
I move up an age group V60 next June so will be competing hoping to improve.
What is your current occupation and are you still an active athlete?
I’m a Personal Trainer, I work for David Lloyd Leisure part-time and I coach small adult groups and one to one strength conditioning training.
If you would like to do so, please also provide another comment
I got into running late at 23 (in 1985) when someone said to me “I bet you couldn’t run a marathon!”
So I trained following a programme in the “Runners World” magazine and I completed the 1986 London Marathon in 3h 45mins.
I got a love for running and joined Dartford Harriers where the late Cliff Temple helped me achieve my time of 2h 56mins in London in 1987.